What I’m up to now:

13th February 2024, North of Seattle, WA

I’m feeling a lot of transformation in my career and legacy focus. It makes sense, and I’ve been anticipating it for while; Pluto is approaching an exact conjunction with my Midheaven where it will be until (checks ephemeris) July, then again from the end of December through January 2025, and from August 2025 until the beginning of December. Then it’ll hit my South Node and be in my 10th house until it leaves Aquarius in two decades (and also obviously opposing my 4th house/IC/North Node, plus my Leo Moon by sign), so I’m just riding the waves the best I can. 

Non-astrology translation: Huge, once-in-three-lifetimes changes are happening in my career life and my home/family life, and activating my emotional need for loving and serving my people. I don’t expect the changes to let up soon, and the next few years are likely going to be the most intense.

I’m also getting much more interested in generational issues, for me and for my clients. Things like connecting with ancestors, looking at past life issues, healing intergenerational/epigenetic cellular trauma — that’s all taking up a LOT of my headspace lately. It all feels related, and I actually have birth charts for both my father, AND the slightly well-known person he was told he was in a past life, uninvited, by some random psychic in about 1972, which is just so cool I could spit. It really makes it feel personal, and I want to be able to do useful things with these resources. That way, even if all this research were to end up being nonsense, it would still do something meaningful, and that’s not nothing, you know? 

I find myself practically unable to have a conversation that doesn’t involve astrology, and becoming more so by the day. I’ve been…mm…nesting…on how to bring this out into the world so I can have conversations about it with real human people, who are living and corporeal, outside my head. I’m working on some ideas, but I might just need to get moving and stop thinking about it. (Astrology brain wants to make a Mars-in-Taurus-in-the-Placidus-twelfth-WSH-first-house quip here that will probably only be funny to me, so consider it made, and by reading this you acknowledge that it was VERY FUNNY AND APT. Thank you.)

I have gained another several pounds. This puts me at very close to my highest weight ever, and I’m really not bothered by this (a very good feeling), because I am still pretty healthy and very cute and I generally like my teeny jiggles. Well, not bothered except that my fertility specialists recommended that I do intermittent fasting and keto to get my insulin levels really low and balanced. Having gained weight is an indication that I am doing the opposite of that, so I do want to get things moving the other way so I can get knocked up. Not incidentally, if anyone finds about $9,500 laying around, I was going to buy IVF with that and I think I dropped it. (Don’t worry; Mother will take it back even if you’ve handled it already.)

Tsipa (see-pa), a white woman of "Uranus opposition" age wearing a pale pink sweatsuit, has literally the cutest dark blonde shoulder-length bob (with bangs!) of all time, and she cut her hair herself! Can you believe it? (Reader, you cannot.)

Tsipa (see-pa), a white woman of "Uranus opposition" age wearing a pale pink sweatsuit, has literally the cutest dark blonde shoulder-length bob of all time, with bangs, and she cut her hair herself! Can you believe it? (Reader, you cannot.)

I went back to blonde hair, and bangs. I love it so so much! and the color is fabulous and I am slightly obsessed with it today. It’s reminding me a bit of an 80s Shelley, like a cross between Duvall and Long, which I will never be sorry about. It’s interesting that having hair I love makes me feel so so much better, but I decided it’s self-care for my Leo Moon and I won’t debate the wisdom of that. 

I’m doing a lot more writing lately, too. I don’t want to talk too specifically about those projects until they’re pretty well baked, but suffice it to say that it feels good to write, and even better to write in good company, for good purpose. I’m actively taking on new coaching and/or astrology clients…and working up the nerve to go tell them that. I do love hermeticism, but it can make marketing a bit of a challenge.

Oh! Also. Studying Ancient Greek. Very in love with this atm, too. Being able to read and write letters (albeit quite slowly) used several thousand years ago for some of the most profound thinking in the Western world is almost as good as getting up at 5 am for feeling good about oneself, as it turns out. But don’t tell; this one’s a secret.